
the beauty of 'Nurture'



8/18/2024, 3:19:00 AM


12 min read

Porter Robinson -



Ever since i discovered Porter in late 2021, a few months after Nurture came out.
(Due to this remix)
I’ve been in love with the style of Porter, and everything he has done (including pre Worlds!!)

And Nurture hits very close to my heart and hits the sweet spot in my emotions and melody.
I’d like to think that Nurture has been a big part in how i view life and how i value what i do.
Nurture is more than just an album, it’s something that im gonna carry with me, forever.
A collection of such beautiful, relatable, sweet, “cryable” songs, that this blog post doesn’t give it justice.

I can still remember the feeling of when i got my Nurture vinyl, the chills.
Reading through the lyric book and reading the text inside “book” like vinyl cover.

And even before i go through all the songs and comment on what i love about each and everyone.
Blossom is the best one, hands down. Makes me cry every time and i lose myself in my own mind.

And now when i began listening to the entire album for this post (which i havent done in a while).
Damn, A bit of nostalgia since its almost been 3 years since i now discovered Porter and Nurture.

Table of content


Lifelike is a very sweet and gentle introduction to the album.
And sets a good tone for the vibe and the rest of the songs i feel like. A bit of everything.

Since its a fully ambient track theres nothing quite to express about this other than.
Amazing music to my ears and provides a good intro to the style of Nurture.

Look at the Sky

The intro tune to this goes haaaard.
For sure a top 3 track on this album.
The little breathing at the start is just SOO perfect, relatable even.

For a lot of the songs in Nurture, i got some kind of connection to with my own experiences.

Look at the sky, I’m still here
I’ll be alive next year
I can make something good

Now this part is the most hard hitting part.
With what ive gone through, im amazed at myself for pushing it through the tuffest parts of my live.
Like in hindsight, how did i manage to push through and be alive the next year.
But at the end, it has given me so much strength to do anything now after.
And whenever other friends are telling me about something they are going through.
I can always motivate them to just push that bit extra, and that they can be alive next year.

And even tho i dropped out of school, and missed a ton of important years there.
I can still make something good, and something meaningful and i can contribute my part.
Like ive done more than i know, ive impacted way more people than i think of.
And that means something to me.

I love Porters style during Nurture, his hair was chefs kiss.
Not to mention the entire “line”? style running through the enterity of Nurture.
But this music video is really really fucking amazing.

And i also must the fucking banger buildup to the drop to the last chorus.
WHAT THE FUCKKKK, the most memorable part of Look at the Sky.

So now, i will look at the sky, and i will be alive next year, and i will make something good ❤

Get Your Wish

This song is really well put together.

I think the meaning of this song is that you have succeeded quite well in life but still feel not good enough.
Specifically as someone who people look up to, and so this hits ever harder.
Now im not someone super famous, but a respectably 42k subscribers within Swedish gaming content is well within the 0.1%.
This applies to most creators i feel like, but the constant pressure of numbers going up and down is insane.
And i try not to look at them for the most part.

My goal when creating content is to make other people get a special feeling in their stomach.
I wanna give younger kids the same feeling i had when watching similar creators as i was when growing up.
And also give people the same feeling i get from listening to Porter, that ⭐ special ⭐ feeling.

But yet i dont feel like ive really made it, and dont think ill ever reach that feeling. But thats okay.

If glory makes you happy, why are you so broken up?

The music video for this song goes so well together.
Getting chills from seeing that music video now.
The “aggressive” movements and feeling from Porter to the song hits.

Wind Tempos

Wind Tempos is something real special, at first it sounds totally different and really dun-
And for good reason, it is a beautiful but simple song that is kind of a just ambient song for 3 solid minutes.
Only then, the lyrics kick in and its mostly the same.

I dont think this one is out of the ordinary but still so sweet and fits quite well into the album.
The second half is really good, and i like the mouse clicking sounds in the background.


The music video to Musician goes haaaard, not a ton of his songs are 100% animated music videos.
But this one is, and its really well done. im amazed.

And fuck the meaning is so solid and yet so relatable.
From Porters perspective, this was to tell his struggle after releasing Worlds.
And how maybe music isnt his path in the long run of life.

Im amazed on how well Porter can tell his views and thoughts in songs, the melody, the lyrics and the theme of albums.

And this is so fucking relatable, switch out musician to content creator. And you got it for me.
Now ive done content for 6 years (holy shit, already?) and while it is super fun and im very thankful of it.
I dont want it, i dont wanna spend more years on doing content creation on Youtube.
Since 2022, ive begun learning programming and computer science A LOT on my own time just for funsies.
And thats now what i wanna do for my future. So eventually, i want to leave content creation in favor of-
doing something related to programming that i could comfortably live on.

And a lot of the lines in this song reflect some of those feelings i have.
Together in its entirety, a really well put together song and it fucking vibes.

How do you do music?
Well, it’s easy
You just face your fears
And you become your heroes

i cri everytim


Such a fun song man.
Now the name of the song is just musical thing related to vocals.
And while i dont know all of that, i do know its a vibe.

And this has the same kind of vibe as Wind Tempos, nothing special but still really good.


Every god damn time i hear this song, i get goosebumps.
And most of the time cry too.

I love my mom, were very like-minded and bond amazingly together.
I cant get anything better than her and this song is like a: here, take this love mom.

The raw voice in the line of:

Darling, i don’t want you to worry, ‘cause

Is so chilling, like i LOOOVE when a high-pitched, non-normal voice song goes into
a raw normal voice during just one or a few lines of lyrics.
It has such an impact on showing that Porter really means it and the song.

In recent thoughts ive thought on how fucking hard it must be being a mom (parents in general).
And to think back when ive had it really really tuff, how it must felt for them.
Seeing their kid, sick all day, unmotivated to do anything and you cant really do anything.
Fuck. But at the same time, im proud of them doing their bests and all the work they did.

The song is just a really sweet one.

love you mom ❤


The second fully ambient track on Nurture.
Blasting this at 3AM is magical.
Some songs when i listen to them make me feel sometimes really stressed.
Now dullscythe doesnt really make me “stressed” but tense up a bit.

And i think that shows that its a really powerful song in its own way.

A unique song.

Sweet Time

This is such a fucking beautiful song.
Most of the song is referncing Porters girlfriend, Rika.
And how he wants her to life a long time to make the world a better place.
Now thats super fucking beautiful and i adore it.

It also references that people dont live forever, and thats tuff to swallow.
You dont know when the last time is you’re gonna spend with another human living.
Surprises can always happen, and for these reasons i try to take the time i can
to be with the people that make me the happiest and most relaxed.
Hoping i can get as much joy as possible.

Also its melody and vibe is so sweet, you could even say i had a Sweet Time listening to this.


Mirror is sick.

A song about fighting your inner self to achieve something.
It constantly being negative towards yourself.

Kind of a similar topic as to the game Celeste.
How to like be okay with your other voices telling you things you dont want.
Or sometimes, the harsh reality.

I think self-doubt, and or going too harsh on yourself is something a lot of people can resonate about.
It’s really difficult to avoid that voice in your head sometimes and do what you really want to do.
And or to think in the way you wanna think.

In the end, the most important voice. Is your own.

The music video is also sick as hell, a whole vtuber rigging setup while going through a forest.
Love it man.

Something Comforting

This is peak music.
This was one of the songs released as singles before the release of the entire album.
And for good reason, it fucking slaps.

I mean it is the most played song on the album (on Spotify at least).

i loved when porter said

Something Comforting

and portered all over everyone.

In just its musical aspect, its amazing & wonderful.
The drop to the chorus is really impactful. You can really feel it.

THE FUCKING MUSIC VIDEOOOOO, probably my favourite from Nurture.
HOLY SHIIIT IT GOES HARD. The little land of nature it takes place in.
With the like backdrop background is soooo coool, this is the Nurture vibe i LOVE.

The shot where he is in the air, levitating. Goes so unbelievably hard.
and yet again, i adore blond porter ❤

Cant describe it fully, but is a really beautiful, well put together song.
That really digs into me and the music video digs even further.

I cannot express how much of the vibe and aesthetics of nurture that i fucking love.

tell me something comforting


And here we got my absolute favourite track on the album.
The soft, sweet and comforting feeling of Blossom cant be understated.

Its a song dedicated to his girlfriend Rika (which translates to “pear blossom” in japanese apparently).
And i vibe with it a ton. Wanting a loved one to be happy and seeing them happy is so cutee.


It’s just that i love you

is the best thing out of this album.
And for that i adore this song to my heart and back.

It’s also really hard to really get the full enjoyment out of songs like this for me.
Now i havent “loved loved loved” someone ever (i do love all my friends, theyre wonderful)
so i can only take these for what they are on the surface a bit more than that.
But the meaning and melody of this is wonderful.

Also im a sucker for calm soft songs.


Unfold is interesting.
Porter mentions on how this is a song that has taken inspiration from his song "Sea of Voices" on Worlds.
Because TEED (the guy who he collabs with on this song), wish he wrote that song.

And Sea of Voices is probably like my favourite song on Worlds.
So this is naturally just a fucking banger and quite powerful song.

The sudden change of power in the song during times is special.
blasting this song on full volume is magical.

Trying to Feel Alive

Really hard hitting thoughtful song.
This is especially a song i can relate to and love.

The meaning of trying to feel alive and do stuff is complicated.
I feel like i got robbed of my peak (and early) teen years due to issues i had at the time.
And this song kinda gets me into a “lets do shit” mode for like, real life stuff.
There is so much that i feel i havent experienced and or missed out on.
And that i wasnt “feeling” quite alive at that time, barely going outside at all.

But at the same time now, i dont really wanna try to do anything to “feel alive” in that sense.
More that, what happens happens. And im not trying to think too hard about the future.

I think this is also a really good ending on the topic of Nurture.
Porters first album, Worlds was very dreamy and more about escaping reality.
And Nurture took a full 180 and became very real and touching topics that is hard to deal with.
I adore that, and im impressed about it too. Probably also reason why i love this album so so much.
And to end it with actually really trying to feel alive in that sense is wonderful.


10/10, best album ive heard ever and nothing will probably ever top this for me.
The change and all the reflection this album has brought to me cant be described.

This is probably the most personal ive ever been out publicly on the internet.
And for a really good reason. Ive always wanted to express and share my feelings on Nurture.
And all the ways it has impacted me down to the nerves.

I wish i attended the tours that was happening during the Nurture era.
But Nurture was my introduction to Porter and his works.
So by the time i even felt remotely ready, all tours were gone.
And even then they werent in Sweden.

I cant think of what i would have been doing if i hadnt discovered Nurture and be extension Porter.

It was meant to be. Thank you Porter and your work is a masterpiece of art.


What will today's adventure be?

Created on 8/18/2024, 3:19:00 AM