
'Worlds' 10th Year Anniversary



8/12/2024, 9:13:00 PM


3 min read

Porter Robinson -



I cannot express on how excited and glad i am at this moment in time.
As of writing this very sentance, Hollowheart was released about an hour ago.
A song which was suppose to be in the Worlds album but Porter submitted it too late iirc.
And 10 years ago, to this day- Worlds was released, and it’s really beautiful.

I dont know exactly all the lore on Worlds, has i didn’t listen to Porter at that time in 2014.
But i believe that A sound for lonely people was a song that never got released, but later integrated into Hollowheart.
(source: a few comments on the Hollowheart video on youtube, they seem real)

First off, Hollowheart is incredible, absolutely love it and probably a top contester for my favourite in Worlds.
Like listening to it, fucking goosebumps and chills and ive now listened to it like 8+ times already.

The fucking nature relax start is SO GOOD, reminds me a bit of animal crossing. the bird chirping is ADOORABLEE.
and as of writing this, i cried. Listening to the song in the background, listening to the lyrics and the vibe.
I- man, i cannot express how beautiful this feeling is.

the atmosphere of the song, its vibe, the birds, the piano, the build ups, everything is really really lovely.

As soon as Porter released Hollowheart, he also dropped two new vinyls to celebrate Worlds reaching 10 years.
One vinyl was “Worlds 10th Year Anniversary” that included Hollowheart on it, and holographic. Instantly bought.
The second one was the same but remixes from Second sky 2019 on those vinyls. Instantly bought as well.

These expect to ship early next year and i just cannot wait. Such a fucking beautiful time to be a Porter fan.
Smile, Smile world tour, Smile vinyls & merch, Worlds 10th anniversary, and now 2 new worlds vinyls.
And it wasnt that long ago that Nurture came out.

Most notably, the vinyl for the Second sky remixes is GODLIKE, like what the fuck. Porter cooked.

The vinyl of the second sky worlds vinyl

You gotta admit, this is one fucking sick amazing vinyl.
Almost reminds me a bit of Everything goes on, getting a little of the same vibe.

After i bought these i got a mail to be able to download all 13 songs from Worlds 10th Anniversary in .wav format.
And they BANG HARD, i dont know if its the higher volume i had but songs like Lionhearted just banged more than on Spotify.

Cant stop getting chills from Hollowheart, go and listen to it on Soundcloud or Youtube and go and cry.

Thank you porter ❤️


What will today's adventure be?

Created on 8/12/2024, 9:13:00 PM